Dental Solutions

This Blog gives answers to all your questions related to dentistry starting from patient queries to even second opinions. Dentists also can post their difficult cases and also students having problems with any topic..

Friday, March 23, 2012

"If nothing hurts me my mouth must be OK, right?"

               This is a line of reasoning I hear from patients at my dental office too often. The patient is usually explaining why they have waited so long to come in and they explain that they assumed nothing was wrong since they had no pain. 
              Unfortunately most dental problems don't hurt until they are rather advanced .Most often dental interventions are best performed at the beginning of the problem when they can't be taken care more easily and inexpensively
             Sometimes by the time the patient becomes aware of a problem it is too late for the dentist to come up with a "simple fix". If a small cavity is detected a dentist can easily repair the tooth with a small filling, but a tooth with a large cavity may require a root canal or a crown or even an extraction. 
              Early detection of dental problems is key to keeping your mouth healthy and happy and frequent cleanings and check-ups allow dentists to achieve this worthwhile goal!  

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Friday, March 9, 2012


            Patients commonly explain that 'Bad teeth run in the family" and also they say that Since childhood their teeth condition has been very bad…  The implied message is that they themselves are not to blame for the state of their mouths.
To be very blunt, "bad teeth" are almost always a result of bad habits..
              My grandmother & grandfather wore two full dentures by the time they were middle aged… Although I do not know for sure, I believe the choices they made and maybe their lack of a good dental IQ are the reasons for their extensive tooth loss… And my parents do have some problems, but now since they have been under my strict care, things are better..
                 Although I am far from perfect, I do not smoke; I brush regularly with a tooth brush, floss and get regular cleanings. These habits are most likely responsible for overcoming any 'genetic predisposition' that might lead to tooth loss.
              While genetics obviously plays a role in determining the likelihood of developing all sorts of health problems, so do a person's habitual patterns of behaviour.
                 While "crooked" or misaligned teeth are most often genetically influenced, the actual health of the teeth and gums is more affected by how we take care of them, than any other factor.  Brushing at least twice per day, flossing regularly, not using tobacco products, and limiting sugar intake are key elements in oral health.  It is also generally accepted that seeing your dental professional at least twice per year for examination and cleaning is necessary to prevent dental health issues.  This routine will also allow your dentist to "catch" problems when they are small, easier to treat, and less costly in the long run.
Remember a Stitch in time saves Nine…. 

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